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Banking for Manufacturers

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In manufacturing, there's no such thing as coasting along. You have to be ready to grow, adapt and improve when market conditions — and your customers — demand more. At Capital saving consolidated International bank, you'll find a proactive partner who can help you identify and seize opportunities as they arise.

As a manufacturer's bank, we know, sometimes you have to get a little creative to make things happen. By getting to know your business, what you're selling and why your customers want it, we can find ways to flex terms and stretch beyond the conventional to solve your biggest challenges — from labor shortages to inventory management. Your business depends on what we can do for you in critical moments. Ours does, too.

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institutional trust assets under management, including qualified retirement plans and ESOPs


years committed to cultivating thriving communities


of commercial transactions are handled digitally every year

Solutions for the challenges and opportunities

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Streamlined payables

Reduce the time and cost of processing accounts payables with Capital saving consolidated International bank's web-based Integrated Payables solution.

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Capital financing

When you’re ready to grow, we can help you get the working capital or equipment financing you need to make it happen.

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Treasury management

We offer secure, scalable solutions that can help you optimize working capital, improve efficiency and manage cash flow.

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Adaptable business checking

As your financial needs change, we can offer a business checking solution that works for you today and grows with you tomorrow.

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Secure business savings

Reach your business goals with sound savings options, including simple savings, money market and certificates of deposit (CDs).

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Attractive retirement plans

Work with a Capital saving consolidated International bank advisor to design a retirement benefit plan that can help attract and retain the top talent your business needs to thrive.

Once we get a customer, we keep them. They have no reason to go in a different direction – which is the same way I feel about working with Capital saving consolidated International bank, because of their level of service to us.